If You're Not Enjoying It, You're Not Doing It Right

Things are good at the moment. Actually, they’re great.

And there's a more positive vibe about in general.

As I write this at the start of March 2021 the weather has been much sunnier, spring is in the air, days are noticeably longer and we’ve had a positive picture played out to us for being able to resume normal life.

Oh – and in our household we got a new puppy last week. His name is Gary and he’s as cute as he looks. In a very mischievous way.

It’s a perfect cacophony of feel good which I always find has a big impact on business as well. I’ve been in a super positive frame of mind for a while now, but I’ve still noticed an uplift.

And it’s all got me reflecting on just why I’m so buzzing at the moment – as it’s not just down to the weather.

Yes, I have a new brand that I love and is going as well as I could wish. I’ve found my ‘why’ and it’s given me a new lease of life and a feeling of pride that’s bursting.

But it’s more than that.

I have put having fun at the heart of all that I do.

Those that know me will have often seen or heard me say ‘If you’re not enjoying it, you’re not doing it right’ and I absolutely live by that.

But it’s been a huge journey over the last 12-18 months and so, for once, I’m giving myself the credit I deserve for putting the hard yards in.

I’ve no qualifications or experience (other than my own) but, for what it’s worth, I thought I would share the things I’ve put in place that have me loving life like never before, despite the times we find ourselves in.

Life / work balance

I'm getting this one out of the way nice and early. It's something I've never struggled with (in fact potentially too far on the life side at times in the past). I see friends, go to gigs, clubs and festivals, watch the footy, spend time with the family, all that stuff and more.

Everything else on this list is things I've put in place more recently that have made me truely happier than ever - even though most of the things above, the things that feed my soul, I havent been able to do for over a year.

Surround yourself with positive people

We can’t pick our family, and sometimes not our colleagues – but we can choose everyone else. Make the choice to spend time with people who lift you up and put a smile on your face. If you haven’t got those – go and find them.

And on a similar note…..

Have people you can offload to

Make sure you have people around you who understand what you’re going through as a business owner, and you can vent and left off steam to. A supportive community is essential in my book.

Fresh air

Get away from the desk and out into nature. Every day. For me, it helps put things in perspective, and is also when I’m at my most creative (I came up with this list on one of my daily walks!)

Be aware of what you consume

What you put in is what you get out. I rarely watch the news. Never have. I’m not ignorant to whats going on, but it’s very quick and easy to see what’s needed without bombarding ourselves with negative, fear inducing messages.

And it’s all too easy to get caught up doom scrolling – sucked in by arguments on social media in the comments section.

In fact, part of my morning routine (more on that later) is to find some good news. It’s a wonderful way to start the day. Give #FridayGoodNews a follow for my weekly favourite.

Find your purpose

OK, this is a HUGE one, but make sure you’re doing something you love. I know it’s not that simple, which is why there’s a whole sector with books, workshops, 12 week programs, life coaches, mentors and 101 other things to help you find this.

But it is the game changer.

Spread positivity not negativity

Before you write that comment, send that email, say that thing, just think about whether it will spread love. Will it make someone smile, or does it have a positive purpose? If the answers ‘no’ move on and….

Do something that makes you smile

As simple as that. I know how busy it is. But there’s always enough time to do something, however small, that puts a smile on your face.

you should also find the time to

Do things to make other people smile

It’s not hard. Smile at people in the street. Say nice things to people when you have a chance. Just be nice. It feels amazing.

Recognise your strengths and weaknesses

Accept the praise for the things your good at, and equally accept that there’s stuff you’re just not that great at.

Focus on what you are great at rather than what you’re not and you’ll be a happier person and life will be much more fun.


So, 18 months ago if you told me I’d have a morning routine, including all the usual staples like gratitude, meditation, mantras, exercise – the full shebang – I would have laughed in your face. But I do. And an evening journal routine.

I don’t get up at silly o-clock, unless the kids or puppy wake me, and I don’t spend that long on it. But over time it’s made a huge difference. Find what works for you – but there will be something.

Go easy on yourself

But not too easy. I’ve had to learn to not beat myself up, I mean, I'm doing a pretty decent job; but equally I need to not let myself off the hook too easily so I enjoy my rewards guilt free!

Don’t take yourself too seriously

I mean, what’s the point. Life’s too short. We’re here for a good time not a long time.

Right, that’s it.

For now.

I’m sure there’s more.

What would you add?

I have one more to close;

Get a puppy.


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