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5 Steps to Kick Ass Strategic Partnerships

A good Strategic Partnership is the holy grail of lead generation.

It takes the most succesful source of new business, word of mouth, and turns it from something that can be frustrating (as you can’t measure, rely, or scale it) Into something consistent, dependable, and scalable.

And it’s not just the quantity of leads that becomes consistent, but the quality too.

The right strategic partner delivers your ideal clients, all warmed up for you, at the perfect time for them to make a buying decision.

Like all good things though, they take work.

They don’t just happen organically.

But not where you might expect - the hardest work isn’t finding partners.

It’s in ensuring you’re searching for right ones in the first place, and that you make the most of the relationships once in place.

In this free live event we’ll cover:

*HOW to identify who the ideal partner is for you RIGHT NOW, and how to form a powerful value proposition that taps into WHY they to work with you, making conversations effortless

*HOW to build trust (vital in a partnership) by using the systems and process that allow you to scale *The partner communication strategies you NEED to form rock solid relationships that are both enjoyable and impactful

*WHAT support you must provide your partners if you want them to succeed.

*The simple 3 step process for growing your partner network

We’ll do all this within a maximum of 40 minutes, and then the rest of the time will be for you to ask questions about how you can specifically apply this in your business.

This session is perfect for you if:

*You know partnerships are the key to your next stage of growth but are unsure how to make the most of them.

*Conventional sales methods aren’t getting the results you’re looking for and your willing to revert to something tried and tested

*You want to take control of your lead generation and protect yourself from the fluctuations of your sales team

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10 October

Better Referrals, More Often

13 March

Business Innovation Expo