Triggers And Moments In Time

This is my moment, my 5 minutes of fame right here, in this moment. The man stands proudly as the wind rushes through his glorious blond hair-

*Record Scratch*

Actually, we mean business triggers and moments in time… 

The moments in time where the sales process is smooth as silk.

The moment your product or service is the most relevant to your ideal client.

The perfect moment where the sales door is wide open and you can waltz in and add value in record time. 

These moments in time are also the perfect points to be referred. So make sure you share them. 
We’ll come back to these, and triggers, in a moment, but first I want to outline why they’re so powerful.

You’ve all heard about the power of storytelling in marketing.

Well, Triggers and Moments in Time are like perfect little micro-stories that resonate with people.

The story will sit there in your potential referrer’s subconscious, but when they next hear that trigger or moment in time at a networking event or in a client meeting…


Front of mind it comes and they'll know it's the perfect time to introduce you.

Back to more practical matters.

For some businesses understanding those perfect moments in time is more obvious than others.
It could be to do with;

  • A stage of business growth

  • A number of employees

  • Business relocation

  • A point in someone’s career or personal life

  • The launch of a new product or service

But if you’re struggling to come up with yours cast your mind back to your last few sales conversations or projects and think about: 

  • When was the sales process quickest?

  • When was there a real urgent need that you had to jump on?

  • When were your clients most grateful that you were selling to them?

As for triggers…

Triggers are the quotes you want people to listen out for as the signal to introduce you.

They’re the things your prospects are saying when they’re either;

  • In the moment in time identified previously

  • Going through the pain that your business helps solve

  • About to undertake the opportunity you business helps capitalise on 

But they need to be things people actually say - not what you’d like them to say or what’s written on your website!

For example - very few people are going round talking about wanting a proactive accountant who regular gets in touch and keeps me informed. They will be moaning about their existing account, or speaking about being confused around a certain area of their finances.

Let’s give another example.

Imagine you help people with their staff contracts / documentation etc.

The moment in time is someone hiring their first employee.

So you can ask for that “Do you know anyone who’s taking on their first employee?” 

or take it to the next level and use the Trigger.

“If you hear anyone talking about wanting to take someone on but not being sure on what they need to do, being worried about the minefield of employment contracts, or just generally being unsure (or excited) about what’s coming, then I’d love an introduction”

NOTE: after any of these, you want to give some clear context as to why you want the intro. Eg: how you help. 

So, give it a go.

Instead of asking the obvious: “Do you know anyone who could use my services?”, try highlighting Moments in Time and Triggers.

Let me know how you get on.

PS: This stuff works really well on social media as well as when making personal requests.

PPS:  My next Better Referrals, More Often event is on June 21st! Check out the link below to find out more and register.


Communication Is Key


Curiosity Is The BirthPlace of Opportunity